Philip J. Adds, MSc, SFHEA, FAS, FIBMS
Biomedical Sciences (Anatomy)
St George's University of London
Cranmer Terrace
London SW17 0RE
Phone: +0208 725-5208
E-mail: philadds.anatomy@gmail.com
Associate Editor:
Robert W. Henry, D.V.M., Ph.D.
Professor of Anatomy,
Lincoln Memorial University, College of Veterinary Medicine
Professor Emeritus
Department of Comparative Veterinary Medicine
University of Tennessee-Knoxville
E-mail: rhenry@utk.edu
Assistant Editor:
Carlos A. C. BAPTISTA, M.D.,M.S., Ph.D., MPH
University of Toledo, College of Medicine & Life Sciences
Department of Medical Education
3035 Arlington Avenue Mail Stop 1007
Toledo, Ohio 43614-2591, USA
E-mail: carlos.baptista@utoledo.edu
Athelson Stefanon Bittencourt, Ph.D
Associate Professor of Anatomy
Department of Community Outreach Management
Director of the Life Sciences Museum
Department of Morphology
Federal University of Espirito Santo
Vitoria, Brazil
E-mail: athelson.bittencourt@ufes.br
Kees De Jong, Ph.D.
Center for Morphology
Zhejiang University Medical School
Hangzhou, China
E-mail: k.h.dejong@outlook.com
Rafael Latorre DVM, PhD
Professor of Veterinary Anatomy
University of Murcia
30100 Murcia
Office: 34-868 884697;
E-mail: latorre@um.es
Octavio López-Albors, Ph.D.
Professor of Veterinary Gross Anatomy & Embryology
Dept. Anatomy & Comparative Pathology
Veterinary Faculty
30100 Murcia
Phone: 34 868884694
E-mail: albors@um.es
Scott Lozanoff, PhD
Professor of Anatomy
Dept. of Anatomy, Biochemistry & Physiology
University of Hawaii School of Medicine
651 Ilalo Street
Honolulu, HI 96813
808-692-1442 (t)
808-692-1951 (f)
E-mail: lozanoff@hawaii.edu
Nicolás Ernesto Ottone, M.D., Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Universidad de La Frontera
Faculty of Dentistry - CEMyQ
Laboratory of Plastination & Anatomical Techniques
Francisco Salazar 01145, Casilla 54-D
Temuco, Chile
Phone: +56452596935
E-mail: nicolas.ottone@ufrontera.cl
Ameed Raoof MBChB, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Anatomy in Radiology
Medical Education Division
Weill Cornell Medicine-Qatar
Qatar Foundation
PO Box 24144 Doha, Qatar
T: +974 4492 8349- Office (C152), Fax: +974 4492 8333
M: +974 5575 6559
E-mail: amr2032@qatar-med.cornell.edu
Mircea- Constantin Sora, M.D., PhD.
Dean of Studies, Bachelor Program, Medical Faculty
Centre for Anatomy and Molecular Biology
Sigmund Freud University
Freudplatz 3 | 6. floor | Room 631
1020 Wien
Tel: +43 1 90 500 70 1500
Mob: +43 699 14298588
Dmitry Starchik, PhD.
Head of the Department of Human Morphology
North-western State Medical University
Piskarevskij prospect, 47
195067, St. Petersburg, Russia
Mobile: +7(921)9569765
Phone: +7(812) 303-50-00 (ad 8575)
E-mail 1: starchik@mail.ru
E-mail 2: Dmitrii.Starchik@szgmu.ru
Hong-Jin Sui, Ph.D.
Director of Department of Anatomy,
Basic Medicine College,
Dalian Medical University
No.9, Western Section of Southern Lushun Road,
116044, Dalian, China
mobile: +86-1390-428-7577
E-mail: suihj@hotmail.com
Selcuk Tunali, MD, PhD
Professor of Anatomy
Faculty of Medicine
TOBB University of Economics and Technology
Ankara, Turkey
Phone: +90 (312) 292 44 33
E-mail: stunali@etu.edu.tr
Ming Zhang, MB, MMed, PhD
Associate Professor in Clinical Anatomy
Department of Anatomy
University of Otago
P.O. Box 913, 270 Great King Street, Dunedin 9054, New Zealand
Tel: National 03 479 7378 International 64 3 479 7378
Fax: National 03 479 7254 International 64 3 479 7254
e-mail: ming.zhang@anatomy.otago.ac.nz